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About Itemtopia

The Easiest and Most Powerful Visual Inventory Ever! People, collectors, and small businesses in over 170 countries use Itemtopia to manage their homes, contents, valuables, and inventory. Itemtopia is now available in 11 languages.

Itemtopia has become popular by keeping things simple and beautiful, yet it's fully customizable for virtually anyone. It can be set to alert you 30 days before warranties expire, notify you of recalls on your car, share items or locations with others, and let you view your items in any way you prefer. You can even scan barcodes to add items, thanks to their extensive product lookup database featuring over 400 million items.

With over 30 years of experience providing applications to track everything businesses own, Itemtopia’s team set out to create an entirely new app designed to be both incredibly simple and highly flexible for home users and small businesses. Itemtopia tracks collections and all properties - it even has a place for pets. You can use the default item categories or create your own with custom fields. While most people use it for their homes and contents, it’s also ideal for property managers or companies with specialized equipment requiring maintenance.

Itemtopia also includes a feature for adding your services and keeping track of all building or item receipts. It offers the flexibility to categorize purchases and expenses by type, which is perfect for tax season.

Users can access Itemtopia on multiple devices simultaneously, and it includes encrypted cloud backup and syncing across various devices or users, ensuring privacy and security.

Itemtopia also operates offline, eliminating the need to be in wifi or wireless coverage on your phone to view or add content. It automatically syncs new content once you are back in coverage.

Finally, you can share a single location with others while keeping certain items private, or invite people to join your account for collaborative management.

Right click to copy the URL to each store so it works in any country.

Mobile App Screens

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White Company Name Logo
Use on dark backgrounds

This is the home page logo.

iPad, Tablets, Apple MacBooks, Larger Phones

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